Vito Bongiorno University Gaston Berger, Saint Louis, Senegal


  1. (2004) Ideología lingüística y contexto en las fuentes coloniales andinas [Linguistic ideology and context in the Andean colonial sources]. Proceedings of the 51st international Conference of American Anthropology at Santiago de Chile, July 2003, 157-170.
  2. (2005a) Uso del Latino versus uso dello Spagnolo nella lessicografia Quechua: un confronto tra ‘Exsul Immeritus Blas Valera populo suo’ e i vocabolari coloniali relativamente alla diversità o convergenza nella traduzione [Use of Latin and use of Spanish in the Quechua lexicography: a comparison among ‘Exsul Immeritus Blas Valera populo suo’ and the colonial vocabularies with regard to the diversity and convergence in the translation]. Proceedings of the conference of the “Italian Society for Anthropology and Ethnology” (“Società Italiana di Antropologia e di Etnologia”) at Florence, Italy, May 2005, 155-166.
  3. (2005b) Topónimos, lengua y percepción del espacio en ámbito andino [Place names, language and space perception in the Andean cultural area]. Proceedings of the 25th international Conference of American Anthropology at Perugia, Italy, May 2003, 255-262.
  4. (2006a) Comunicazione visiva e comunicazione linguistica sulle Ande [Visual and linguistic communication in the Andes]. Proceedings of the 26th international Conference of American Anthropology at Perugia, Italy, May 2004, 75-80.
  5. (2006b) Los animales y el ser humano en la lengua quechua [The animals and the human being in the Quechua language]. Proceedings of the 26th international Conference of American Anthropology at Perugia, Italy, May 2005, 57-64.
  6. (2007a) Nomi di re inca nel testo seicentesco ‘Exsul Immeritus Blas Valera Populo suo’ [Names of inca kings in the text ‘Exsul Immeritus Blas Valera populo suo’]. In: Per bocca d’altri: Inca, gesuiti e spagnoli nel Perú del XVII secolo [From the lips of others: Incas, Jesuits and Spaniards in XVII century Peru]. Eds. Laurencich Minelli, L., Domenici, D. (Bologna: Alma Digital Library, University of Bologna, Italy / CLUEB), 156-185.
  7. (2007b) Observaciones lingüísticas en poemas religiosos quechua de la época colonial: los sufijos evidenciales [Remarks on the Quechua religious poems of colonial time: the evidential suffixes]. Proceedings of the the 52nd international Conference of American Anthropology at Seville, Spain, July 2005, 423-441.
  8. (2007c) La lengua quechua en los documentos Miccinelli [The Quechua language of the Miccinelli Manuscripts]. In: Exsul Immeritus Blas Valera Populo Suo e Historia et Rudimenta Linguae Piruanorum. Indios, gesuiti e spagnoli in due documenti segreti sul Perú del XVII secolo [Exsul Immeritus Blas Valera Populo Suo and Historia et Rudimenta Linguae Piruanorum. Indians, Jesuits and Spaniards in two secret documents about Peru in the seventeenth-century]. Ed. Laurencich Minelli, L. (Bologna: CLUEB), 185-224, 225-264.
  9. (2007d) La codifica delle categorie di spazio nelle lingue amerindiane, con particolare riferimento alle lingue dell’area andina [Codification of the space categories in the American Indian languages, with a focus on the Andean languages]. Proceedings of the 28th international Conference of American Anthropology at Perugia, Italy, May 2006, 287-299.
  10. (2010) La adivinación en los Andes en época colonial, con referencia particular a la interpretación de las hojas de coca y a algunas oraciones quechua [Divination in the Andes during the colonial period, with a focus on the interpretation of coca leaves and of some Quechua sentences]. In: Escrituras silenciadas: historia, memoria y procesos culturales. Homenaje a José Francisco de la Peña [Silenced writings: history, memory and cultural processes. Homage to José Francisco de la Peña]. Eds. Casado Arboniés, M., Diez Torre A. R., Numhauser, P., Sola E. (Alcalá de Henares: Universidad de Alcalá), 169-180.
  11. (2011) Nombres indígenas durante el periodo colonial en el virreino del Perú [Indigenous names during the colonial peruvian viceroyalty period]. In: “Thule” (30/31, special edition): “Sguardi italiani sulle Ande peruviane. La ricerca italiana sulle Ande del Perù tra Archeologia, Storia, Antropologia e Scienze Sociali” [Italian research and perspectives on the Peruvian Andes: Archaeology, History, and Social Sciences], Perugia, Italy, 347-362.
  12. (2012) Ritos adivinatorios con hojas de coca en quechua y en aymara. Características lingüísticas [Divination rites with coca leaves in Quechua and Aymara. Linguistic characteristics]. Proceedings of the 33th international Conference of American Anthropology at Perugia, Italy, May 2011, 825-835.
  13. (2014) The way coca “speaks”. Pragmatic features of Andean divination. In: Pragmatics,


24:4 (December), 715-734.

  1. (2015) Ensayo sobre el lenguaje ritual. La adivinación en quechua y en aimara [Essay on ritual language. Quechua and Aymara divination], 272 pages. Thesis submitted for the qualification as an Associate in “Ancient American Studies and Cultural Anthropology” at the University of Bonn. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
  2. (2016) Materiales lingüísticos, etnográficos, etno-históricos y arqueológicos para la reconstrucción de rituales mágico-religiosos en ambito andino [Linguistic, ethnographic, ethno-historical and archaeological sources for the reconstruction of the magical and religious rituals in the Andean cultural area]. Proceedings of the 54th International congress of American Anthropology at Vienna, 15-20 July 2012, 463-493.



Compounding in Southern Aymara

Compounding in Southern Quechua

Las hojas de coca en los ritos andinos [Coca leaves in the Andean rites]. In: Bongiorno & Mihas. Proceedings of the 56th International congress of American Anthropology at Salamanca, Spain, 15-20 July 2018

Los ritos en la América indígena: rasgos globales y locales [Rites in the indigenous Americas: global and local features]. Eds. Vito Bongiorno & Elena Mihas. Proceedings of the workshop held at the 56th International congress of American Anthropology at Salamanca, Spain, 15-20 July 2018

First edition of the “Proclama (del supremo consejo de regencia) a los habitantes de ultramar” [Proclamation (of the supreme regency council) to overseas inhabitants]. Unedited Quechua document of the XIX century found at the Archivo General de Indias, Sevilla

Italian-Quechua grammar and course